
Dominic Corry


A film and TV critic (1,477 published reviews and counting), entertainment journalist and broadcaster for more than twenty years. Writes about television and cinema for a multitude of newspapers, magazines and websites. Talks about all things media for a variety of TV programmes and radio stations. Cited by the New York Times for naming a certain genre of glossy thrillers as ‘Yuppies In Peril movies’. Also reviews snack food. 

Currently writing Letterboxd's fortnightly newsletter Call Sheet (opt in!), and doing various other things for them in my role as Editor-at-Large. 

Based in

Auckland, New Zealand


Auckland, New Zealand

Contact, @dominiccorry

Known aliases

Fabian Fanboy, Carlton Crisp, Ricky Stratton.

TGIM on Facebook

Will watch anything directed by

Alfred Hitchcock, Brian De Palma, Sydney Pollack, Alan J. Pakula, David Cronenberg, Paul Verhoeven, Stephen Sommers, Tony Scott, Ben Wheatley, Jaume Collet-Serra, David Lynch, Robert Eggers, Ari Aster.

Favourite films
Favourite Simpsons joke

“This has purple stuff inside. Purple is a fruit.”